
I Just Purchased a Service but Where Is My Login Info?

  1. If you have purchased a new service and payment is cleared, you will receive an email within 6 hours with your login details.
  2. If you haven’t got the details in your inbox, please check your spam and junk mail folders.

Do I Need to Sign Up for A Subscription?

Yes, for Sign Up you need to either subscribe to Premium Plans or Trial.
All plans are non-refundable but you can cancel your subscription anytime.

My Android Device Keeps Buffering.
If you own an android device and you are experiencing buffering, please do the following: (please use ethernet connection not wireless)
1. Clear cache from all your applications on your device
2. Once cleared, unplug your device from power for 5 min.
3. Unplug your modem from power for 5 min.
4. After 5 min, plug it in and enjoy viewing

I’m trying to log in But I’m getting a Network Error?

If you are trying to log in and you are getting a network error, please check the following:
1. Check your device is connected to the Internet via Ethernet.
2. Check your modem is connected too
3. If your device is connected but still getting Network Error, please reboot your modem router.
4. If you have done off of the above but still cannot access your service and you are using an application like IPTV smarters or some other generic application. Your URL may be incorrect.

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